Evaluation Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In this question I will be exploring the ways in which social groups are used in media products, as well as our own media product. Social groups are very important in media products as they give the product a more complete feel and allow some members of the audience to relate to the media product. In our media product Ahmed, the protagonist, is portrayed as coming from a working class background, as he is wearing somewhat of a ‘cheap’ hooded coat. He also goes to school which shows that he is still in his youth, but is coming up to the stages of becoming a young adult.

Below, I will compare our antagonist with two other antagonists. The Joker, from Batman and Jigsaw from the Horror movie, Saw.

The first antagonist we took inspiration from was Jigsaw, from the movie Saw. The idea we chose to use was the idea of our antagonist, like Jigsaw, riding along the corridor on a tricycle. This would make our film much more unusual and scary, as the audience would ask themselves, why the girl is on a tricycle, and they would become somewhat confused with all the other enigmas going on as well. Furthermore, Jigsaw is seen as an incredibly scary figure to many people who have watched the Saw movies therefore, if there were any Saw fans within the audience who were watching our film, they would be able to see the similarity between the little girl and Jigsaw, and would effectively lead them to becoming naturally more scared.

The second antagonist we took inspiration from was The Joker from the movie, The Dark Knight. From The Joker, we decided to use parts of his make-up, in order to effectively do the make-up for our own antagonist. We decided to cover her face with pale, white powder and emphasise her lips with bright red lipstick, imitating The Joker’s facial complexion. The only difference is that our antagonist has much longer hair than The Joker. 


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